Category: Uncategorized


Is OLGA the first ever NFT?It is the oldest known non-fungible token. Here’s a timeline of 1/1 NFTs on Bitcoin using Counterparty. Some earlier non-fungible assets, such as domain names, exist on other platforms but these are not tokens. Read more. What is OLGA’s mint date?The token was minted on June 12, 2014 with the supply fixed at one token and description “Моя Вечная One & Only”, which translates to […]

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Back Up Your Bitcoin NFTs

Thousands of Counterparty Bitcoin assets – 1/1 NFTs and 1/N crypto cards alike – have images associated with them. Many of these are at risk of getting lost due to link rot. This article suggests ways to preserve them. Let us first list the different kinds of image associations; A. On-ChainB. URL + HashC. Hash OnlyD. URL OnlyE. Off-Chain On-Chain The entire file is saved inside a bitcoin transaction. Every […]

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List of First Limited Edition 1/N NFTs

This article is about the origin of limited edition tokens, aka 1/N NFTs. Unlike 1/1 NFTs, which are non-fungible, 1/N NFTs are actually fungible. Ironic terminology aside, fungible collectibles are in fact a major innovation in itself. It took more than a year from Counterparty’s inception until EverdreamSoft’s Spells of Genesis – as the first commercial project – offered limited edition crypto trading cards with the defining properties: Indivisible tokens, […]

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How to Retrieve OLGA’s Image From the Blockchain

An eternal token of love, OLGA’s image is stored on the most permanent medium known to man – the Bitcoin blockchain. Here I will explain how the image is encoded, present a script which retrieves the image from the blockchain, and how to upscale the image. The Blockchain Image This exact image is saved on the blockchain: The file is a miniature png file. A very small size was required […]

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OLGA on Dogecoin (2014)

Shortly after I minted the original OLGA on Bitcoin, I made a second version on Dogecoin. Here’s the story. June 2014 Just having learned how to issue crypto assets on Bitcoin via Counterparty, I feel like surprising my girlfriend Olga with a very special token. Wanting to add a poem to it – and limited by the fifty or so character limit – I come up with the one-lined monostich […]

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A Timeline of 1/1 NFTs on Counterparty

Ever since 2014, NFTs have been minted on Bitcoin via Counterparty. This article focuses exclusively on NFTs true to the very definition of non-fungible — i.e. unique distinguishable tokens which by Counterparty jargon means a locked supply of one indivisible token. Only a handful of NFTs were minted each year until 2021, when usage finally went through the roof. Almost all of these NFTs have on-chain metadata which makes it […]

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Bitcoin – The First Ever NFT?

Back in 2009, Satoshi did more than just release computer code. He also painted a picture of what his invention symbolizes: 100,000,000 units make up a coin – named bitcoin. The coin is imagined to be money – peer-to-peer electronic cash. The coin is represented by a specific file – the whitepaper pdf Compare this with FDCARD, an early NFT and perhaps the first ever crypto trading card. 100,000,000 units […]

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Tips for Bitcoin NFT Archeologists

Several good timelines have been made of vintage tokens on Bitcoin. Most of these tokens are Counterparty assets. Here’s a guide on how to research Counterparty history, followed by my comments on specific tokens. DisclaimerI’m the creator of several vintage tokens. Most notable are OLGA and JPJA from 2014 and SALVATION from 2015. Some bias in inevitable but I do my best to stay objective. Xchain The only full block […]

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Counterparty News (2014)

CPNEWS (200 divisible tokens) was the last of my three 2014 financial experiments after the JPJA ebook and the JPBULL/JPBEAR bitcoin options. I made a blog,, with current events from the Counterparty ecosystem. Contributors received CPNEWS tokens at a pre-defined monthly schedule. “100 CPNEWS to be distributed monthly the first year. 50 monthly the second year, and so on. Content creators will share 90 CPNEWS, while 10 are reserved […]

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Block Time Probability Table

The below table shows the probability of at least N new Bitcoin blocks in the next T minutes. The red cell is just an example. It tells there’s an 18.5% chance of getting 5 or more new blocks within the next 30 minutes. “< 1/k” means less than a one in thousand chance of occurring. “< 1/M” means less than one in a million. “< 1/G” means less than one […]

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