How Dominant Is Ethereum?

Are all DeFi tokens listed on Ethereum? I went through the top 100 projects under Coinmarketcap’s DeFi tab and clicked on each one to find their respective platforms.

  • 10 do not have a platform listed. Most likely they have their own chain.
  • 77 are on Ethereum
    • 34 of these are exclusively on Ethereum
  • 36 are on the Binance Smart Chain
    • 9 of these are exclusively on Binance
  • 20 are on the Xdai chain
  • 12 are on Fantom
  • 9 are on Heco
  • 7 are on Polygon
  • 6 are on the Avalache Contract Chain
  • 4 are on Solana
  • 1 is on Tron
  • 1 is on NEO

For some reason Polkadot is listed differently. Coinmarketcap has a separate category for the Polkadot Ecosystem.

  • 28 of the Polkadot projects are valuable enough to be on the DeFi top 100.
    • 14 of these are actually on the DeFi top 100
    • This reduces the Ether exclusivity by 4, to 30

Cardano does not have a single project on this list. It makes sense as the Cardano token system is too new to have any major projects yet.

Most projects are on Ethereum but only 1/3 are exclusively on Ethereum. The other two large DeFi platforms are the Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot.

P.S. Below is a table where I’ve listed the top 100 projects with their respective platforms. Bold indicates it’s also on Polkadot.

RankProject (Ticker)Platforms
1Uniswap UNIEth Bin Hec Xda Poly
2Chainlink LINKEth Bin Sol Hec Xda Fan Poly Ava
3Wrapped Bitcoin WBTCEth Fan Poly Ava
4AaveEth Hec Xda Fan Poly Ava
5DaiEth Bin Xda Fan Poly Ava
6Maker MKREth Bin
7PancakeSwap CAKEBin
8Terra LUNA
10Avalanche AVAX
11Compound COMPEth Xda YFIEth Bin Hec Xda Fan Ava
13SushiSwap SUSHIEth Bin Sol Xda Fan Ava
14Synthetix SNXEth Bin Hec Fan
15Basic Attention Token BATEth Bin Xda
16Mdex MDXBin Hec
17BakeryToken BAKEBin
18The Graph GRTEth
190x ZRXEth Xda
20Bancor BNTEth Xda
21Fantom FTMEth Bin
23Curve DAO Token CRVEth Xda Fan
24AnkrEth Bin
25RenEth Xda
261inchEth Bin Xda
27Reserve Rights RSREth Xda
28Kyber Network Crystal Legacy KNCEth
29Loopring LRCEth
30iExec RLCEth
31renBTCEth Bin Xda
32Origin Protocol OGNEth
33Venus XVSBin
34Neutrino USD USDNEth Bin KAVABin
36ReefEth Bin
37Injective Protocol INJEth Bin
38Ocean Protocol OCEANEth
39Augur REPEth
40Gnosis GNOEth
41Serum SRMEth Sol
42Numeraire NMREth
43Alpha Finance Lab ALPHAEth Bin
44Balancer BALEth Hec Xda
45Swipe SXPEth Bin
46Uquid Coin UQCEth
48Band Protocol BANDEth Bin Xda Fan
49Ampleforth AMPLEth Xda
50BitShares BTS
51COTIEth Bin
52Wanchain WAN
54Haven Protocol XHV
55Enzyme MLNEth
56Fei Protocol FEIEth Hec
57Bonfida FIDA
58DeFiChain DFI
59Liquity USD LUSDEth
61Mirror Protocol MIREth Ter
62Raydium RAYEth Sol
63sUSDEth Fan
64Perpetual Protocol PERPEth
65Alchemix ALCXEth
67KLAYswap Protocol KSP
68Orion Protocol ORNEth
69Linear LINAEth Bin
70Rocket Pool RPLEth
71Keep Network KEEPEth
72Badger DAO BADGEREth
73Polkastarter POLSEth Bin
74QuickSwap QUICKEth Poly
75Ellipsis EPSBin
76Strike STRKEth
77Frax FRAXEth Fan
78Secret SCRT
79DAO Maker DAOEth
80Tellor TRBEth
81TrustSwap SWAPEth
82inSure DeFi SUREEth Bin
84Chromia CHREth
85Cream Finance CREAMEth Bin Xdai Fan
86RAMPEth Bin
87Request REQEth
88Flamingo FLMNeo
90Nerve Finance NRVBin
91Tokenlon Network Token LONEth
92Burger Swap BURGERBin
93bZx Protocol BZRXEth
94Beefy.Finance BIFIBin Hec Poly
95Liquity LQTYEth
96BarnBridge BONDEth
97Rari Governance Token RGTEth
99DFI.Money YFIIEth Bin
100Akropolis AKROEth Xda

Categories: Uncategorized

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