Is OLGA the first ever NFT?
It is the oldest known non-fungible token. Here’s a timeline of 1/1 NFTs on Bitcoin using Counterparty. Some earlier non-fungible assets, such as domain names, exist on other platforms but these are not tokens. Read more.
What is OLGA’s mint date?
The token was minted on June 12, 2014 with the supply fixed at one token and description “Моя Вечная One & Only”, which translates to “My Eternal One & Only”.
When was OLGA’s image added?
The image was added on August 11, 2015 as a base64 string, fully onchain, stored inside a Bitcoin transaction. View OLGA’s timeline.
Can I use OLGA’s image for a timeline/article/book/publication?
Sure, feel free. I recommend this upscaled version:

What does the on-chain image look like?
Here’s the exact image stored on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Why is the on-chain image so small?
It’s as large as it could get while fitting inside a bitcoin transaction.
What motivated you to mint OLGA?
I discovered crypto tokens – a new medium at the time – while writing a book about Bitcoin. I figured that a unique, symbolic token would make the perfect gift to my girlfriend.
Can I collect OLGA?
The OLGA token on Bitcoin is not for sale but I also issued 1000 OLGA tokens on Dogecoin in 2014. These are available to collectors.
I am an artist. Can I make an OLGA derivative?
Sure you can! See list of OLGA versions, derivatives and references.
When was OLGA rediscovered?
On March 26, 2021 in a Telegram chat. This was actually the discovery, not re-discovery, as the token had never been known to the public earlier.

How to verify the image?
The image is fully on-chain, meaning every Bitcoin node keeps a copy of OLGA. I wrote a script that retrieves the image directly from Blockcypher’s api. Here’s the code with some explanation so you can generate the image and upscale it on GIMP yourself.
Why the on-chain image lacks contrast?
The intent was to make a near-invisible engraving that would pop out when looking from an angle. On a modern screen this may not hold true anymore, but that’s how I presented it to Olga on our old LCD monitor.
How does OLGA relate to other JP Janssen tokens?
It’s the second asset I ever registered. One day before OLGA, I minted JPGOLD at a fixed supply of 1000 which turns out to be the first use of the limited-edition model (aka 1/N NFT, later used by Spells of Genesis, Rare Pepe and countless more). Ten days later I created JPJA, a book represented by 100 tokens.
How does OLGA relate to other tokens at the time?
User created assets prior to June 2014 were mostly either empty name reservations or tokens with open-ended / large coin-like supply. I.e. the economic model of scarce tokens was invented with JPGOLD, OLGA and JPJA.
Why does Xchain label OLGA as part of the Kaleidoscope project?
OLGA is included in the Kaleidoscope directory. Xchain is a 3rd party service which unfortunately labels anything from that directory as part of their project.
Is OLGA on Counterparty or Bitcoin?
Both. Counterparty is a token standard for Bitcoin. All data is stored on the Bitcoin blockchain.
OLGA Versions, Derivatives and References
OLGA Dogeparty by JP Janssen
Minted on 13 August 2014. A line from a classic Pushkin love poem – “Твои небесные черты” (“Your heavenly features”) – was added on 20 November 2014.
Exactly eight years later, on 20 November 2022, a colored version of OLGA’s image was added. (TODO: Read More)

OLGA PixelMap by JP Janssen
PixelMap is a 2016 smart contract on Ethereum. There are 3968 unique tiles. Each tile can take a 16×16 image which is stored fully onchain. I added this image to tile #1429 in 2022.

OLGA Etheria by JP Janssen
Etheria is a 2015 smart contract on Ethereum. There are 1828 unique land plots. Each plot can take a 3D model which is stored fully onchain. On August 11, 2022 I put up a heart shaped cloud to commemorate the 7 year anniversary of OLGA’s image onto tile 276v1.1.

OLGANFT by @C0rnh0li0
To commemorate OLGA’s discovery, @C0rnh0li0 minted a 1/1 NFT with a screenshot of the discovery in March 2021.

PHOCKNFTS.OLGA by @nathansoic
This 1/100 NFT is part of the PHOCKHEADS project by nathansonic.

OLGA STAMP by @nisheq

OCTOLGA by Rinaldo Wirz / Monster Book
Rinaldo Wirz is one of the original 2015 Spells of Genesis artists. For his 2023 project, Monster Book, he created an OLGA inspired monster named OCTOLGA. I received all 10 cards as compensation for helping out with the technical aspects of the project.

This 1/69 NFT references multiple OG art assets including OLGA. We bought one token from Tasha Moon, printed it and put it on the wall.

HNFT Banner
Can you spot OLGA in the banner for the 2022 Historic NFT Fest?

OLGA vs Alternative “First NFT” Claims
Are not Namecoins earlier?
These are domain names. A completely different asset class, not intended as tokens and never been referred to as such. They may have been the first non-fungible assets, but OLGA was the first token. In other words, OLGA put the T in NFT.
Moreover, not a single Namecoin record with a symbolic meaning or reference to art still exists. This makes OLGA the oldest surviving non-fungible art regardless of asset class.
Wikipedia says Quantum is first?
There are several things that disqualify Quantum.
- It is not a token. XCP existed at the time, so there’s no excuse for using a temporary domain if McCoy truly had intended to make a non-fungible token.
- The asset represents legal ownership. It depends on the legal system, not cryptography, which violates a fundamental property of blockchain.
Both these failures meant ambiguity in the ownership of the underlying art piece, and a resulting lawsuit.
- Few, if any, NFT creators repeat McCoy’s process of linking legal ownership to an expiring domain.
Unfortunately, it appears impossible to edit Wikipedia’s semi-locked article. Those in control of the article have removed all mentions of Counterparty, so their bias goes without saying.
What about earlier Counteparty assets?
Thousands of assets were created over six months prior to OLGA. None of these were a unique token, meaning with a fixed supply of one indivisible unit.
In terms of limited editions of fungible tokens, so-called 1/N NFTs, the first were my JPGOLD and JPJA.
Some, that claim to be earlier, have had their supply and metadata changed in retrospect.
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