JPJA Extraordinary Dividend

Holders of JPJA just received

  • 2 JPGOLD
  • 0.01 JPBULL
  • 0.01 JPBEAR
  • 0.5 CPNEWS

per share of JPJA.


JPJA is the most prominent of my 2014 experiments.

However, I also did a few more. In my previous blog post I made a comprehensive list of my early tokens and also notarized a zip file with relevant sources.

In short, these tokens represent all my experimentation with peer-to-peer finance in 2014.

To reward those who collected JPJA before the full story was known, I feel like giving them some shares in the entire story.

Dividend History

JPJA’s first dividend was in 2014. In June that year, at the beginning of the experiment, I promised all holders on 24 December 2014 a proportional share of the eBook’s revenues. The tip address, 1JPJaEVyieFi93YgtszCwMMjmsJGxfXRag, by then had received some 0.081 BTC which got distributed as promised.

Today’s extraordinary dividend is the second time a distribution is made.

This is a one-off, nonrecurring event. Do not expect any more dividends to JPJA holders.

Fractional Tokens

JPJA and JPGOLD are indivisible with only 100 and 1000 tokens respectively. JPBULL, JPBEAR and CPNEWS are different. They can be subdivided into fractional units, which made today’s distribution possible.

What it really implies to own less than a full unit, I leave to collectors to figure out.

Categories: Uncategorized